Kristie’s Blog

boxes to donate

Clearing out the clutter.

The last few weeks I have been cleaning more than usual; my urge to purge is at an all-time high. Perhaps it’s because it’s January.  New beginnings new possibilities, a fresh start if you will. Perhaps you have felt it too. So—Why do we have the urge to spring clean, and is it good for our health?   There are indeed many…

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girl holding daisy

The Art of Manifesting

Growing up, I didn’t know anything about manifesting. It wasn’t until 2006 when I saw the movie The Secret that I learned about manifesting and the Law of Attraction. I realized I’d been manifesting for many years—I just didn’t realize I was doing it!  In simple terms, whatever you think about manifests into your life. Now armed with the knowledge, I…

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Finding your tribe 

When I look back on my life, I see how I’ve been a part of many different tribes. Your tribe may change over time, as people come and go from your life, and that’s ok. I think about the different jobs and relationships I’ve had. Most important, though, is how I’ve changed and grown in my own evolution. And my…

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Healthy tips for the election season

Here we are, knee-deep in the current election season. Perhaps you’re like me and find elections to be highly stressful—it’s one thing to be informed; it’s quite another thing to be inundated. During an election, the media covers every second of the action. No wonder it’s so challenging to not get sucked in and overwhelmed by what’s going on!  What…

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women's hands over stomach

Getting to know your gut

As I navigate my way through creating healthier lifestyle choices, I’ve seen a lot of attention put on gut health recently. Since I didn’t feel I had any issues with my gut health, I didn’t make learning about it a priority. But then my naturopathic doctor told me that I have SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth). Which means my gut…

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girl with hat in sunshine

Energy is everything.

You’ve probably heard the phrase actions speak louder than words, right?  Well, your vibes speak louder than words too. Your energy is the greatest source of power you have. What does your energy say about you? When you vibrate a high-level of energy like love, you will receive that energy reflected back to you.  But when you vibrate at a low level, you…

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table full of vegetables making a salad

Little things you do make a big difference

These past few months, I’ve found myself in a rut with my cooking and eating rituals. That made me think about how far I’ve come in my healthy eating journey. A few years back, my husband and I watched a documentary on Netflix called Game Changers. After we saw it, we made the decision to try a plant-based diet. My decision…

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child standing on their head

Nurturing your inner child

Lately, I’ve been getting in touch with my inner child, thanks to our two-and-a-half-year-old granddaughter. We’ve been having so much fun coloring, drawing, and playing in the backyard with bubbles. But it’s also made me wonder: How well do I know my inner child, and am I giving her enough love and attention?  Every one of us has an inner…

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scrabble letters that spell perfectly imperfect

Letting go of being perfect 

Chasing perfection takes a huge toll on your mental health and wellbeing because it’s an impossible goal: Perfection doesn’t exist. Perfectionism is when you hold yourself and others to exceptionally high standards and strive for flawlessness even if “good enough” would do just fine. It’s often seen as an admirable trait, but for anyone who lives with it, not only…

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