
women's hands over stomach

Getting to know your gut

As I navigate my way through creating healthier lifestyle choices, I’ve seen a lot of attention put on gut health recently. Since I didn’t feel I had any issues with my gut health, I didn’t make learning about it a priority. But then my naturopathic doctor told me that I have SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth). Which means my gut…

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table full of vegetables making a salad

Little things you do make a big difference

These past few months, I’ve found myself in a rut with my cooking and eating rituals. That made me think about how far I’ve come in my healthy eating journey. A few years back, my husband and I watched a documentary on Netflix called Game Changers. After we saw it, we made the decision to try a plant-based diet. My decision…

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Healthy cleaning supplies

How to reduce toxins in your home

My healing journey began five years ago, when I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s. I started my quest by making my health priority one, and learning all about Parkinson’s and what I can do to support my health. I focused on the things I could control, like exercise, nutrition, mindset, and creating a wonderful support team around me. I realized it’s…

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girl walking dog in forest

How to slow down in a busy world

We just got back from a wonderful family vacation at Olympic National Park in Washington, where we hiked and enjoyed forest bathing, surrounded by beautiful trees and wildlife. Vacation is all about being able to relax and not worry about all the everyday things there are to do back at home. While on vacation I found myself wondering, how can I…

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yogurt and fruit in a cup

Eating healthier for a happier you

Just like we grow and change throughout life, our food choices evolve with us. When I was younger, we grew up drinking whole milk—that’s what was available at the time. Now fast forward to today; we have many different options for milk, ranging from almond milk to fat-free milk and everything in between. It’s crazy how many milks we have…

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car with Christmas tree

Healthy tips during the holiday season

It’s that time of year again—the fresh scent of cinnamon spice fills the house, the cooking begins, and the Christmas music has taken over the radio stations. While this is often a cherished time for many, it can also feel very overwhelming. If that sounds like something you can relate to, I came up with a few healthy tips to ground…

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Handful of Mushrooms

The power of the mushrooms

I just love discovering new things and this year I discovered mushrooms. A dear friend shared with me a documentary she saw called Fantastic Fungi on Netflix. It was all about the medicinal use of mushrooms, which dates back thousands of years, and their healing properties. After watching, I had a whole new respect for mushrooms that grow in Mother Nature. It’s…

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Girl in pink field

Energy is Everything.

You’ve probably heard the phrase actions speak louder than words, right?  Well, your vibes speak louder than words too. Your energy is the greatest source of power you have. What does your energy say about you? When you vibrate a high-level of energy like love, you will receive that energy reflected back to you.  But when you vibrate at a low level, you…

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heart in hands

Healthy and happy wellness tips

When you hear the phrase healthy lifestyle, there’s a good chance that envision an active person with a healthy body and a positive mindset. While that might be one way it might look, a healthy lifestyle doesn’t mean you have to go out and buy a kayak and hire an expensive fitness trainer. Moving toward more healthier living can be as…

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