
Turn Your Passion Into Your Job

For many of us, our passions and our jobs are two separate things. We may work for 40 (or more) hours a week at a job that brings in a paycheck, and spend our time outside of work thinking about something completely different.   As kids, we’re told to “follow our dreams,” but as adults we know that it’s easier…

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Turning Your Ideas Into Action

A lot of people come up with great ideas every day, but far fewer are able put them into action. Why? Because acting on your ideas is hard work. It requires time, effort, and dedication — things most of us are in short supply of thanks to our day jobs, family, and other obligations.   But with a little forward…

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How to Manage Big Life Changes

Marriage. Divorce. The birth of a child. The death of a loved one.   These are all changes that many of us may face at some point in life. Change on any scale is scary, but things like this take things to a whole new level because they radically alter the way we conduct our lives day-to-day. Rather than feeling…

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Letting Go of Perfectionist Tendencies

Everyone wants to be liked by others, but in some cases that comes at the expense of our own happiness and well being. Whether we want to admit it or not, many of us have these perfectionist tendencies. We are raised to get good grades, play sports, serve the community, and do many other things that hinge on never making…

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Embrace Life’s In-Between Stages

Life is full of a lot of ups and downs, but there’s an awful lot of middle ground between them. Whether it’s getting married, having a child, or dealing with the loss of a family member, the emotion of those big moments eventually calms down and you settle back into “normal” life. But normal life doesn’t always have to mean…

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Don’t Let Fear Hold You Back

Whether we realize it or not, many of the choices we make every day are dictated in some part by our fears. Maybe you go to the same job day in and day out because you’re afraid of looking for something else. Maybe you watch your kids like a hawk because you fear for their safety. Or maybe you miss…

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Stop Self-Destructive Behavior For Good

Stop Self-Destructive Behavior For Good Whether you’re aware of it or not, you’re probably doing at least one thing every day that would be classified as self-destructive. Loosely defined, this behavior is something that harms you or makes your life harder in some way. Maybe you refuse to let someone take on a big task at work, or maybe you…

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Make the Most of Changes In Your Life

Change affects everyone — no matter how calm, cool, and collected you may think you are. Many fear change because it means a loss of control and a diversion from the routines that you’re used to every day. Yet change is inevitable, and the one thing you can control is how you deal with it! The next time you’re faced…

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Harness the power of stillness and silence

A typical day for many may look like going nonstop from the time the alarm goes off in the morning until the time you put your head on the pillow at night. That routine over and over again daily can be detrimental to your well-being! Meditation may help incorporate more stillness and silence into your days—and help you reap the…

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Bring More Gratitude into Your Life

Gratitude is one of those things that’s easy to overlook, but can bring a lot of positivity into our lives. Here are a few simple ways that you can practice gratitude daily! Send A Gratitude Text How many text messages do you send in a day? For most of us, that number is pretty high, but most of those messages…

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