Healthy tips during the holiday season

car with Christmas tree

It’s that time of year again—the fresh scent of cinnamon spice fills the house, the cooking begins, and the Christmas music has taken over the radio stations. While this is often a cherished time for many, it can also feel very overwhelming. If that sounds like something you can relate to, I came up with a few healthy tips to ground us before the holidays even start and to help us feel the joy associated with the holiday season.


What is the first thing Scrooge feels when the ghost brings him back to the present? Gratitude. And in one famous study, people who wrote a letter of gratitude and delivered it to the recipient experienced an enormous boost in happiness and well-being. The same can work for you, so why not try and make December the month that you write and deliver a letter of gratitude? Not only will you be sharing a wonderful, unexpected gift with a loved one, you will also be reminding yourself of the things in your own life that you appreciate. 


The research shows that the extra hours you spend talking, laughing, or caroling with friends and family is good for your physical and mental health. The holidays are a great time for some meaningful social interaction, so say yes to Aunt Judy’s Christmas sweater party, book tickets to a play or concert, and have fun mingling.

Be Charitable

Regardless of your reason for giving—even if you feel obligated to do so— donating to an individual or a group can make you feel wonderful.  Research shows that givers really are happier than the people who only spend on themselves.  Giving is also contagious. Your one act of giving does not stop there—it reverberates and can inspire others to be charitable as well. So, take a few moments and think about the people or organizations that could use a helping hand this holiday season. Your donation does not have to be money or a material thing, either—your time is also a precious gift. 

Be Forgiving

I’m sure I’m not the first person to tell you that letting bygones be bygones can lift your mood and raise your vibration. Forgiveness is a gift for the giver as well as the receiver. Research indicates that those who harbor a grudge may feel angrier and sadder when they think about the past. When you are unable to forgive, you wind up carrying a whole lot of negative energy around with you, which can affect all aspects of your life. Forgiveness releases this negativity and can truly be one of the best gifts you can give yourself.

It’s so very easy to get lost in the shopping, wrapping, cooking, and traveling, but I challenge you to check in with yourself and stay present. I know we can find ways to sneak in a little self-care and peace of mind into the holidays.  And if we do, guess what will happen? We’ll feel more joyful and festive, and the holidays will be more meaningful and fun. Here is to a happy and healthy holiday season!