Tips to help you stay motivated to exercise

girl stretching

We all know that being active and having a regular workout program is good for our mind, body, and soul. But it can be challenging to stay motivated—everyday distractions and obligations come up with the potential to take me off the track from my exercise program. Friends have asked: How do you stay motivated?

I began to think about all the things I do to help keep me on track. Clarity is power, so I started a list of motivational tips and tricks to help support myself. Personally, I work better if I make a goal; then I have something to work toward. I set my focus on making new fitness goals for the year. If you’ve struggled with sticking to an exercise routine, try any of the following tips to see if it helps motivate you. 

Write down your goals and look at that list often. 

One of my fitness goals is running a 5K. By signing up and paying for the run, I commit to doing it. Writing the date on the calendar helps me keep running until the actual day of the run. The reward at the end is getting my race time recorded and completing the 5K. The accomplishment feels good.

Set yourself up.

The night before I run, I set out my workout gear and running shoes by my dresser. The next morning, when it’s still dark out, my sports bra and clothes are right in front of me and ready to go. I even place a yellow post-it on my bathroom mirror saying – running today – you got this!

Plan your workout schedule in advance.

Many years ago I added my workouts to my calendar, and treated them like a real appointment, which proved to be a game changer. Much like a dentist appointment or getting the car serviced, once I had written my fitness “appointment” down on the calendar, I considered them non-negotiable and I had to go. To this day, when I write it in my calendar it gets done.

Have a killer playlist and wonderful music to support you.

When I run, my playlist is not only motivating me but helping me with my pace and breathing.  My go-to running songs “On top of the world” by Imagine Dragons and “Best day of my life” by American Authors. Music is a wonderful motivator while exercising.

Keep a specific goal in mind.

Having a goal helps. It doesn’t have to be to run a marathon or become a triathlete—it could be something as simple as getting out for a walk three times a week. No goal is too small, and starting small can help make achieving your goals feel more attainable. A goal helps focus you while you move forward. One goal I have is to stretch more. To achieve this, I incorporate yoga into my exercise routine. Stretching after I run also helps my body recover. Create goals to help support your body’s needs.

Wear a fitness tracker.

Technology has made exercising a lot easier. The watches these days can tell you a lot, from your heart rate to how many steps you walked in a day. They are amazing! When my Fitbit alerts me that I hit my goal of 10,000 steps, I feel great! Find a fitness tracker to support you in your goals.  

Are you a morning or evening workout person? 

I’ve always been a morning person. So starting my day with a workout sets the tone of my day in the right direction. Figure out if you’re a morning or evening workout type. Everyone has a different energy routine; honor yours and book your workouts effectively.

Implement some of the tips and tricks on my list and set yourself up for success. It’s the small details that count, too. I used to have an alarm clock that was loud and abrupt. My husband confessed to me that he didn’t care for it. So I found a new alarm clock with a softer sound / music to replace my old one. Instead of an abrupt noise to jolt me from sleep, I now wake up to more calming, gentle sounds. It was definitely a change for the better, not just for my husband, but also myself. Who knew? Starting your day off on the right foot sets you up for success. Like they say, God’s in the details. Whatever you choose to do—walk, run, or dance—keep moving your body.