Energy is Everything.

You’ve probably heard the phrase actions speak louder than words, right? Well, your vibes speak louder than words too. Your energy is the greatest source of power you have. What does your energy say about you? When you vibrate a high-level of energy like love, you will receive that energy reflected back to you. But when you vibrate at a low level, you become an energetic match for people and situations that are also vibrating at that low level. Another phrase you might be familiar with: like attracts like, and that goes for the energy you put out there, too. 

To get an idea of the vibrational scale, Google Abraham-Hicks emotional scale. When your energy is in a high vibration, your emotions are in love, gratitude, and passion. When you’re in a low vibration, your emotions are in fear, grief, and anger. Where would you say your energetic vibration is right now? 

Getting in touch and being aware of your energetic vibration is the first step. Check in with yourself, and be honest if there is an area of your life where you feel blocked or out of alignment. Or maybe it’s something bigger, like the outcome is never what you were hoping for. Ask yourself, “What is the energy that I’m bringing forth?

And how is my energy affecting other people?” I have a client who’s single and couldn’t understand why guys never called her back after the first date. After some digging, she confessed that she wasn’t over her ex-boyfriend, and that was the energy she was putting out there. What energy are you bring forth? If you’ve taken an inventory and find that your energetic vibration is not where you’d like it to be, the good news is that raising it is easier than you might think. Knowing what type of energy you’re putting out in the universe is key. Slow down and notice where you are on the emotional scale. Then when you find yourself in a situation where you feel like your vibes are lowering, stop and take a deep breath and count to ten. Breathe in for a count of ten, and release for a count of ten. Your breath is powerful; it can help center you. Just doing this simple exercise can help shift your energy immediately. 

Next, set an empowering intention. Just the intention to be in the present moment is enough to realign and help shift you. Setting an intention can be as basic as stating to yourself that you’re ready to connect to your presence. I like to say to myself, “Come back to love”. This statement sends a message to the Universe that you’re willing to release fear and rein your thoughts and energy with love. But you can set any intention that feels right and will help guide you to a place of a higher energetic vibration. 

Whenever you notice yourself in a low vibration, set the intention and come back to the present. Your intentions are far more powerful than you can imagine. As you stay committed to your positive intention, you’ll raise your energetic vibration and begin to experience the energy of the Universe supporting you. Like they say: “Energy flows where intention goes.” As you continue to shift your energy by setting empowering intentions, you’ll notice the Universe sending you signs and showing you you’re on the right path. Celebrating the support from the Universe brings you right back to appreciation, which is a beautiful high vibration. 

Remember love, gratitude, and appreciation raise your vibrational frequency and provide positive energy fuel for your body and mind-pure, organic, and great for you and those you encounter. Keep breathing, shifting, and creating intentions so your energetic vibrations stay high and happy.