Self-Love is Self-Taught.

Girl at the beach

We’re taught a lot of things growing up, but I don’t recall a class on self-love. It doesn’t matter where you are in life or how old you are, loving yourself more today will have very powerful and positive effects. 

Self-love is defined as regard for one’s own well being and happiness. Check in with yourself and see how you feel.  The first step in self-love is listening to your intuition, and learning to hear what your body is telling you it needs. With all the noise and distractions in our everyday lives, this can certainly be a challenge! So I came up with five ways to start loving yourself.  The beautiful thing is that we can start today, right where we are, trying one or two of the things on the list.

Five Ways To Start Loving Yourself

Spend some time alone with yourself

Many of us are so busy with work, family, social media, and friends that we don’t know how to be alone with ourselves. We feel as though we’re wasting time or we’re uncomfortable not having another person there with us. Learning to get comfortable with who we are, though, is a very big part of self-love. 

What do I mean when I say to spend time alone with yourself? Get still and quiet the mind. Meditate, sit in nature, or go for a hike. Turn off all the technology and book some alone time for you. I’ve heard it many times: the answers you seek never come when the mind is busy; they come when the mind is still.

Stop criticizing yourself and start feeding yourself loving thoughts

How many times have you thought things like: I’m not smart enough, thin enough, pretty enough, etc.? It might be so often you don’t even realize that you’re thinking these things. If criticism breaks down the inner spirit, then praise builds it up. That’s powerful to know. The next time your self-doubt comes up, try turning it around by praising yourself. It will probably feel awkward at first, but stick with it. If you continue to praise and let go of self-doubt, that’s when you will start seeing changes in your life. 

Mirror work

Mirror work is a very powerful way to cut through all the stories you’re telling yourself and replace it with loving sentiments. I was taught about mirror work by Louise Hay in her book, You Can Heal Your Life

Mirror work can be challenging. Some people cry or get angry, or insist they can’t do it all. Remember it’s a process, so be loving with yourself. Be open to whatever comes up and listen to what your inner voice is saying. Ask yourself, What can I do for you? How can I make you happy? Then listen to your inner voice and start following through with what you hear.  

Move your body

Research shows that moving your body just a little bit can have a dramatically positive impact on your life. Yet so many of us lead incredibly sedentary lives. With our plates already as full as they are, it can be difficult to imagine squeezing in the time for yet one more thing. But finding even twenty minutes to spare to take care of your physical health will benefit you immensely.

Here are just a few basics to help motivate you. Moving your body boosts the functioning of your brain, reduces stress, helps your confidence, improves sleep, and leaves you feeling energized and happier. Who wouldn’t want to experience all those wonderful things? So grab your sneakers and take a walk, or try a new yoga class. The more you move your body, the better you’ll feel. 

Do something good for someone else

Self-love is about getting yourself to a loving place, and then taking what you’ve learned and sharing it with others. It’s about helping other people and leading by example. Try contributing your time and skills to anyone who needs them. Is there a charity you can donate your time to, or a friend who could use your help? Reach out a give to someone today.