10 things you can quit right now.

For most of us, life is already challenging enough—why add to it? We often don’t realize how many things we undertake that simply don’t serve us, yet we often continue to do them. The best way to remedy this is to become a quitter! Despite what “they” say, quitting isn’t easy—and it’s also not always a bad thing. It takes strength to quit the right “wrong” things in your life. Are you ready to take back your power and quit the things that aren’t serving you anymore?

Here are 10 things that you can QUIT doing today:

#1. Quit resisting change

Change will happen with or without your consent. Acceptance, not resistance, is the pathway to peace and freedom.

#2. Quit trying to control everything

Control is just an illusion, and trying to maintain control is exhausting. When you can let go, you will find you are open to all the possibilities that arise when you are free to respond to things as they are.

#3. Quit trying to “figure it all out”

There is no end to “Why?” Making sense consumes time needed for making memories.  The ride is where the magic lives. “Here” is where you are supposed to be right now. Love into it.

#4. Quit criticizing yourself

Give yourself a break—you are doing the best you can with the tools you have available in this moment! Nobody is perfect. We all make mistakes; we are supposed to! That is how we learn.  So learn, let go, and give yourself some self-love.

#5. Quit pleasing everyone

You won’t. You can’t. It’s the law of life. And trying to do so will just make you resentful and spread way too thin. So stop fighting and please the one person you can: YOU!

#6. Quit allowing fear control you

There’s comfort in what you know. But until you push yourself past your comfort zone, you’ll forever just be content and not fully happy. F.E.A.R.: False Evidence Appearing Real. See through the illusion.

#7. Quit spending time with the wrong people

If you feel drained after spending time with your ”friends,” then they are not real friends. Go where you are loved and surround yourself with people who will recharge and uplift you. It just feels better.

#8. Quit making excuses

If I only had a better car, had more money, knew the right people—the list could go on forever. Let go of excuses and take 100% responsibility for everything that is happening to you. Being responsible means you must take action to make things better—then watch as the magic happens.

#9. Quit worrying so much

Similar to coming up with excuses, there will always be something to worry about. But worrying is a waste of time. If your problems can be solved, there is no reason to worry. If your problems cannot be solved, worrying will do you no good; all it does is waste the energy you could be using to coming up with a solution.

#10. Quit focusing on what you DON’T want

Where your attention goes, energy flows . . . and that’s what grows. Add “as you wish” at the end of each of your thoughts and you will quickly realize you don’t want that thought to manifest. I would have loved to tell my younger self to be a quitter. There are a lot of things we get talked into doing that we can just quit doing and find ourselves immediately happier. It is not always a bad thing to give something up. Remember, accepting responsibility for your life makes you the problem and also the solution. You have the ability to change every part of your life if you find the courage to do it. Take a look at your life and find something to quit today!