3 Simple Tips to Stop Procrastinating

Are you procrastinating right now? If reading this blog is a way to avoid doing something you don’t want to do, then the answer is yes!


While I would love for you to continue reading these posts, I also want you to tackle the tough things in your life instead of putting them off. This is classic “fight or flight” mentality manifesting itself in the form of procrastinating on daily tasks.


Here are three simple strategies to change that behavior for good!

Eliminate Distractions

It’s so much easier to procrastinate when our email and social media feeds are begging us to look at them all the time. Before you know it, a chunk of time has passed and you’ve lost the opportunity to tackle that tough project or task.


In order to truly be productive, try to eliminate these distractions as much as possible from your day. In fact, you can even use them as a reward for completing something you previously put off. You still get to indulge, but in a much more structured way and productive way.

Make Your Procrastination Public

While social media can be a distraction from meeting your goals, it is also a great way to hold yourself accountable for completing the things you say you are going to do.


For example, if you post about a remodeling project at home, you might get questions asking how it’s going. This puts you in the position of doing the work or lying to your friends if you don’t.


The prospect of procrastination becomes much more difficult when others are watching, which is one of the best motivators out there.

Consider the Worst Case Scenario

As yourself “What’s the worst that can happen if I do this?” Chances are, it’s not as bad as you’ve built it up to be in your mind.


Keep in mind that the worst case scenario is unlikely to happen. Even if it does, a temporary setback is often worth the cost for the feeling of accomplishment you get for finishing something tough.