3 tips to break bad habits for good

The start of a new year is a great time to commit to making lasting, positive changes. It may not be easy at first to break bad habits, but will pay off in the long run. Here are some tips to help break some bad habits for good!

Over focus on your habit

For many years, the guiding principal to breaking a bad habit was to avoid thinking about it as much as possible. This was true with everything from smoking to gambling. However, research has shown that impulses do not go away by simply ignoring them.

Rather, it seems the best way to truly break a habit is to over focus on it. Whatever your behavior is, make a note down every time you do it and list the reason why you were drawn to the habit. Understanding the underlying factors that motivate our habits is the key to making successful long-term changes.

Turn a bad habit into a good one

While you’re transitioning away from bad behavior, find something else that can provide the same satisfaction in a more positive way. For example, if you bite your nails when you get nervous at work, try doodling or squeezing a stress ball to keep your hands and mind occupied until the moment of anxiety passes.

Over time, the focus on different behaviors, combined with battling the underlying causes of habits can lead to positive physical and mental changes.

Enlist help

Don’t suffer through breaking a bad habit in silence. Making your intentions known to friends and family will give you the support system you need to succeed. Your allies can hold you accountable when you revert to old ways, and provide positive reinforcement during moments of success.

This mentality is why groups like Alcoholics Anonymous are so popular. The natural connections we form with each other around a shared goal make it much more likely that everyone will succeed. You’re not just changing for yourself anymore; you have others who are depending on your success to fuel theirs!