A fresh new year

Happy New Year! It’s January, which means we get a new beginning—a fresh start, if you will. I’m excited to welcome new opportunities while at the same time releasing the old things that do not service me.
Many of us like to start the new year with resolutions. But there is something else I like to encourage my clients to do, and that is to slow down and take January to celebrate the past year. Make note of all the wonderful things you learned and experienced. There are lots of rituals or traditions people do for the New Year, besides just setting resolutions. Some create a new vision board or create a vision box full of all the things they want to bring into their life in the upcoming year. Rituals are powerful and by doing something such as a vision box, you’re surrendering your desire to the care of the universe. You’re letting go and telling the universe what you want.
My sweetheart and I like to take time and reflect and be grateful for all the life lessons the past year brought us. This process has been very eye-opening, especially during the pandemic, when almost all of us have seen some aspects of our lives upended. This sort of reflection also helps bring us some clarity on what we want to bring in the new year.
So, after the ball drops in Times Square and the party is officially over, carve out some “you” time to reflect and do a year in review. Make your favorite cup of tea or pour a glass of wine, get comfortable, and glance over your calendar, emails, or Facebook posts to remember all you did in the past year. What did you accomplish—both big and small? What challenges have you experienced? What have you learned? Have you consciously let go of anything? What did you manifest? Have you experienced an ending, or maybe a new beginning?
Taking time to celebrate all that you’ve learned and been through helps to lock in the lessons while also filling our hearts with gratitude for all the things we accomplished. Sometimes we’re too busy focusing on the things we didn’t do, while the things we did do get overlooked. Taking this time to celebrate your accomplishments will fill you with gratitude and self-love. You deserve it.
A fresh new year can be exciting and challenging at the same time. We start thinking of all the things we want to do, and the things we need to do, like doctor’s appointments and getting the car serviced. Get clear with your intentions before you put them out into the universe. Rituals are powerful because they help us get clear around what we want, and what we what to bring into our lives. Take the time to think about what you want. Maybe you want to focus on your health, spend more time with family, or volunteer more. I love how the actress Rebel Wilson declared last year to be “the year of health.” She lost a lot of weight and learned how to eat healthier and exercise. I love the idea of a theme for the year. It’s a beautiful clear intention. What would your year’s theme be?
After you come up with your theme, I encourage you to create a vision board, or a vision box, and write down your desires in a journal. Visually seeing your desires helps remind you of what you want to attract in your life. Claim your intention and let the universe know what you want more of. Make a point of reviewing the past year and remember to celebrate it all—big and small. In the new year, I’m focusing on how I feel. Our feelings are what create our reality because we attract our likeness. When we feel good, we attract more good things, experiences, and people into our lives. That high vibration energy makes us a magnet for our desires. So, start your new year with feeling good and celebrate all the positive from the past year, and share with the universe your new desires. Cheers to the new year and to a fresh start.