A new beginning

The beginning of a new year is a great time for a fresh start, and I always encourage my clients to slow down and celebrate the past year. Take note of all the wonderful things you learned and experienced. How did you grow? In what ways did you challenge yourself?

My sweetheart and I have a tradition of reviewing the past year and celebrating it before we head into the New Year. We like to take time and reflect and be grateful for all the life lessons the past year brought us. This sort of reflection has the added benefit of bringing greater clarity to our desires while also creating positive momentum for the new year.

So, after the ball drops in Times Square and the party is officially over, carve out some “you” time to reflect and do a year in review. Make your favorite cup of tea or coffee, get comfortable, and glance over your calendar, emails, or Facebook posts to remember all you did in 2019.  

What did you accomplish, both big and small? What challenges have you experienced? What have you learned? Have you consciously let go of anything? What did you manifest? Have you experienced an ending, or a new beginning?

Taking time to celebrate all that you’ve learned and been through helps to lock in the lessons and fills our hearts with gratitude for all the things we accomplished. It’s easy to lose track over the course of an entire year, and by giving yourself the time to look back, you’ll get a clear reminder of the progress you’ve made. And how many of us focus too much on the things we didn’t do? Appreciating the things you accomplished will help fill you up with gratitude and self-love. And chances are good you’ll be pleasantly surprised to find out all things you experienced in the past year.

This year, we added a new twist to our year in review, in the form of a “desire list.”  We all have desires—the things that drive us and motivate us to help us achieve our goals. When you have clarity and you’re specific about the things you want to bring into your life, it’s much easier to manifest them.

Last year, we welcomed a new dog, Benji, into our family, and we’ve enjoyed the daily practice of walking and jogging Benji by the beach. It’s a wonderful way to start the day and get our bodies moving. So, on our desire list I was specific and wrote: I want to run a 5K with Benji. It’s a clear, achievable goal. Try to be specific with your own desire list. This will help you focus on the wonderful things you want to attract in your life. Try to keep your desire list somewhere so you can read it throughout the year. Seeing your list will help remind you of what you want to attract in your life. Claim your desire list and let the universe know what you want more of. As your desires manifest, you can cross them off your list and celebrate it all—big and small. We’re here at not just a new year, but also a new decade, so there is no better time to start attracting all the wonderful adventures you hope to experience. Have fun with it and dream big. Cheers to 2020!