Creating goals can help us get through uncertain times.

goal setting notebook

Your life has probably been disrupted in some way or another these past few months. The pandemic has forced people all over the world to adjust how they’ve gone about their daily lives. It’s easy to get off track and lose focus while everything around us is changing. I’ve found myself struggling with my everyday schedule and behind in basic tasks that used to be easy. So how do we get back on track?

Every morning my husband and I walk our dog Benji. Two houses down from ours builders have torn a house down and are rebuilding it. We look at the progress they make each day, and I think to myself, I can’t wait to see the end result. Then I think: They have a goal and are focused to get to the end result . . . a new house. The builders know each day what they have to do, and they do it. They know this is not the sort of project that is finished in a day. Having your own clear goals and deadlines is something that helps me stay focused. Having something to achieve that also moves you forward in a positive way will really help give your day order and purpose. And now is perfect time to create a few clear goals to help us stay focused and grounded in these uncertain times.

Some goals are very organic and can be right in front of you. For me, exercise is a big part of my life but staying motivated can be a challenge. Due to the virus, my gym has gone online with Zoom classes. I’ve been doing the classes in my living room and have really enjoyed them.  But I wanted to raise the bar a little with my workouts, right around the time my gym offered a twenty-one-day workout challenge. I said yes and the bar on my workouts have been raised. The best part, If I complete the twenty-one days, my gym will donate a sum of cash to the Parkinson’s Foundation. It’s a beautiful way to help support in a time like this.  When you’re clear about your goal, the universe will help support you. 

I recommend you start with creating three goals. Less is better, and it will allow you to focus your energy on what you truly want. Use the following four steps as guidance to help you set clear goals.

Step #1: State each of your goals as a positive statement. Be specific. Add dates, times, and amounts. Example: Starting today, I will exercise for the next twenty-one days by taking an exercise class each day and walking Benji twice a day and getting in my 11,000 steps. Claim it and make it yours. Being specific and adding dates and times will help you measure your progress. You’ll know exactly when you achieved the goal, and you’ll experience complete satisfaction from having achieved it.

Step #2: Write your goal down. Putting it in writing makes it more powerful and real. It’s something you can see, much like a vision board.

Step #3: Keep your goals small. Small goals are more achievable. If your goal is too big or too broad, it can seem like you’re not making any progress toward it. Anthony Robbins talks about chunking down goals. Chunking down simply means taking and breaking things into smaller, more manageable steps, which will help in reaching your goal. 

Step #4: Set a realistic goal. Check in with yourself, and make sure the goal you create is a goal you can achieve.

Embrace the idea of creating new goals during this time of uncertainty. Before you know it, a week will pass, and you’ll be gaining momentum. Then months will go by and our goals will be met, and we’ll be hugging friends and family once again.