Don’t Let Fear Hold You Back

Whether we realize it or not, many of the choices we make every day are dictated in some part by our fears.

Maybe you go to the same job day in and day out because you’re afraid of looking for something else. Maybe you watch your kids like a hawk because you fear for their safety. Or maybe you miss out on opportunities like traveling and going out with friends because of a fear of flying, a fear of small spaces, or social anxiety.

Either way, these fears can be crippling, but they don’t have to be. Keep these strategies in mind the next time you are faced with a fear!

Take Small Steps

Asking yourself to overcome a fear in one fell swoop is unrealistic for most people. If conquering a fear was that easy, you probably would have done so a long time ago.

Instead, break the fear into smaller parts and focus on taking small steps toward overcoming it. For example, if you’re afraid of heights, gradually increase the heights you explore until you reach your ultimate goal. As you move through each step, you’ll build confidence to propel you through the rest of the plan.


The most important thing about overcoming a fear is doing the thing you are afraid of, no matter how scared you are when you do it. Whether the fear is large or small, the feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction that comes with tackling it cannot be beat.

Use that emotional high as the fuel to carry you on to repeating the previously feared action without feeling nervous or overwhelmed.

If you suffer from claustrophobia, your first time in a crowded space will likely be very uncomfortable. However, those negative feelings may gradually turn into positive ones and you’ll be able to move onto conquering your next fear in life.