Getting out of your comfort zone

girl on swing in forest

It’s easy to get set in our ways and stick to a daily routine. Since the pandemic, I’ve found myself still playing it safe, even now that we’re coming out of it more. I recently thought to myself, It’s time I started getting out of my comfort zone and experience new things once again

When I think about experiencing new things, it takes me back to fond memories I have of dating my now-husband. We called it “first time experiences.” First time we . . . went to a concert, went hiking. Everything was brand new because we were experiencing it together for the first time. Think about it—every time you get out of your comfort zone you are experiencing something new. 

At times, stepping outside your comfort zone can be scary. Growth is often uncomfortable, with lots of unknown things. But stepping out also bring many benefits. Here are a few benefits to help inspire you.

Opportunity to grow

When you leave your comfort zone, you try new things, learn new skills, and make new connections. You grow with these experiences. Allowing yourself the opportunity to grow can be powerful and move you forward in a big way.

Learn about yourself

You learn more about yourself when you can get out of your comfort zone. What do you fear? What makes you uncomfortable? What are you good at? You also realize how brave and capable you are. Your confidence will grow, too, as you face your fears and try new things.

Expand your creativity

When you try something new, you may find a talent that you didn’t know you had, like dancing or playing a new instrument, or perhaps a hobby like gardening, crafting, or cooking. You might surprise yourself and stumble upon something that ignites your passion. New and challenging situations require you to find your own creativity and help you discover something new about yourself.

Life becomes livelier

As you begin to try new things, life becomes more interesting. Risks may look like adventures and obstacles may look like opportunities. When you are happier on the inside, your appreaction for what’s around you increases. Things become more exciting and fun.

Create new relationships

When you try something new, you meet all sorts of new people. New friends can come from it, or perhaps you can attract a coach or a mentor. Sometimes, you meet a whole group of people that bring new opportunities for you to learn and grow from. It’s wonderful finding like- minded people. 

I hope the suggestions above will help motivate you to try new things and venture out of your comfort zone. Only when we are willing to become comfortable with being uncomfortable can change and growth really take place. Embrace and enjoy the first-time adventures coming your way.