How to Manage Big Life Changes

Marriage. Divorce. The birth of a child. The death of a loved one.


These are all changes that many of us may face at some point in life. Change on any scale is scary, but things like this take things to a whole new level because they radically alter the way we conduct our lives day-to-day. Rather than feeling anxious about these big life events, learn to embrace them and make the most of the good and the bad that comes with change.

Put It On Paper

Writing down what you’re anxious about and how you plan to deal with it can give you the peace of mind you need to manage a big life change. Come back to this writing whenever you feel stress and anxiety creeping back in.


A journal can also serve as the basis for a conversation with someone else about your life change, whether that’s a friend, family, member, life coach, or professional therapist.

Don’t Go It Alone

When faced with a big change, the instinct for some (introverts, I’m looking at you!) is to put your head down and plow through alone. Doing so tends to increase feelings of anxiety, as you become buried deeper and deeper in your own thoughts.


Choose someone you can trust to help you through the transition. That level of trust is critical at a time when you already have a lot on your mind. If you do not have someone in your life who can fill this role, consider hiring a life coach or therapist to help you through. As a certified life coach, you can contact me  and we can chat about how I can help guide you through your transition!


Take One Day at a Time

Even the biggest life changes start with one small action. It might seem insurmountable to think about the entire change at once, but it’s much more doable when broken down into smaller chunks.


Coming back around to where we started, this is a great opportunity to incorporate a diary or journal to track your progress on managing the change and reflect on how you are doing as you go!