Jump start your day with these morning routines

Whether you love or dread the sound of your alarm clock each morning, everyone can stand to pick up a little more energy at the start of the day. These simple but effective morning rituals can carry positive effects straight through to bedtime!

Wake up at a consistent time

Many of us wake up at the same time Monday through Friday but sleep in on the weekends in an attempt to “catch up” on sleep that was missed during the week. While this practice may seem like a good idea, it actually throws off your body’s natural sleep cycle and can lead to increased feelings of fatigue.

To combat this, set your alarm for the same time every day and try your best not to hit snooze on days when you do not need to get up. Use the extra time to set an intention for the day and write about it in a journal.

Of course, this also means you need to go to bed at a consistent time so be mindful of that when making social plans.

Get your blood pumping

Speaking of exercise, working out first thing in the morning is a great way to boost your metabolism and ensure that it will keep working for you all day long.

This can mean everything from running a few miles to doing a few crunches or push-ups while you wait for your morning coffee to brew. Many gyms also offer early morning classes; try one out if you’ve never done it. You may find that you were a morning person all along!

Fuel your body

The debate about the benefits of eating breakfast has gone on for years, but this much is true. Your body needs nutrients after sleeping all night, and especially if you exercise in the morning.

Start with tea or warm water to stimulate your digestive system, and then move on to a breakfast that includes protein and carbohydrates. This will help keep you full until lunch and resist the urge to binge on something unhealthy mid-morning.