Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions All Year Long

Ah, a new year. It’s exciting to think about everything that you want to accomplish with a blank slate in front of you!

However, that enthusiasm can quickly wane for most people once the hustle and bustle begins again in the new year. Just because things get busy doesn’t mean you have to give up on your resolutions. Here are some strategies to employ whenever you feel yourself sliding backward.

Change Your Plan

If your motivation is lacking, it’s likely because some part of your plan to achieve your New Year’s resolution is not working. Take some time to evaluate the situation and determine where that pain point might be.

Once you’ve identified it, brainstorm some different tactics you could take to achieve the same goal in the end. For example, if you’re not hitting a weight loss goal, try a different workout or diet plan. You’ll feel re-energized and get an added boost that comes from the novelty of a new pattern or routine.

Do Some Research

Finding others who have achieved goals similar to yours serves as a reminder that the desired outcome is possible and within your reach.

This benchmarking could come in multiple forms, such as YouTube videos, articles and blogs, or social media feeds. Be careful not to compare yourself to your inspiration too closely; this could lead to feelings of inadequacy and an even further reduction in motivation.

Recruit Some Help

Lastly, a great way to reignite your passion and motivation is to recruit someone to help hold you accountable. This could mean joining a gym or a fitness community, or inviting some friends over to help you get rid of your unneeded stuff.

Either way, learn to get out of your own head for a little bit and reconnect to what’s important on a larger scale. Talking to a friend or loved one about your goals might lead to a different perspective on how to achieve them.

With a little mindfulness and motivation, you’ll be able to look back at this time next year on all the progress you’ve made toward achieving your New Year’s resolution!