Living in a state of abundance

In life, our mindset determines which road we travel on. One road is paved in scarcity and the other road is overflowing with abundance. The good news is, it is up to us which road we choose to travel on.
Unfortunately, many of us choose to the path of scarcity, believing we are not enough, leading us to experience a life that is unfulfilled. Struggles are common occurrences—not to mention the countless missed opportunities and experiences.
Those who choose to walk along the path of abundance experience a completely different life. When you opt to live life to the fullest, it is only natural to believe there is plenty of everything in the world to go around. Those who walk the path of abundance take full advantage of enjoying love, relationships, wealth, and opportunities.
Life is challenging enough already—why add to it with a negative or scarcity mindset? Learn how to embrace the mindset of abundance and enjoy a prosperous life.
Here are four ways you can create an abundance mindset in your life today.
Become aware of your thoughts. Cultivating mindfulness is key. By taking time to notice what type of thoughts are circulating in your head, you can begin to make a conscious effort to shift your thoughts toward abundance. If you are struggling with an area of your life, ask yourself, “Are my thoughts about this based in fear and scarcity?” If so, ask, “What do I need to do to shift my mindset to abundance?”
Recognize the unlimited possibilities. Studies have found when people focus intently on one particular thing, other possibilities right in front of them go completely unnoticed. It’s important to loosen the mind’s focus and create an expanded awareness that fosters the abundance mentality. A way to do this is to have a daily meditation practice. This will help clear your mind and allow new, abundant possibilities to come to light.
Watch what you say. The language you use, as well as what you tell yourself and others, shapes your reality. Are you telling stories of scarcity or stories of abundance? People who live in abundance say things like: “I can afford that . . .” Or “I can do that.” People who live in lack say things like: “I can’t do that.” What language are you using?
Focus on what is going right. People tend to notice the negative more so than the positive. The next time something doesn’t seem to be going right, try to take a step back. Instead of focusing on what is going wrong and trying to fix the problem, focus instead on what is going right as it relates to the topic, and brainstorm ways to support that even further. The path you are on right now is not set in stone. Life is a process of learning and growing. If you want to change your path from lack to abundance, the first step is deciding to change. The second step is embracing the mindset of abundance. Life is short—live large, believe in the endless possibilities life has to offer, and choose to live in abundance.