Make the Most of Changes In Your Life

Change affects everyone — no matter how calm, cool, and collected you may think you are. Many fear change because it means a loss of control and a diversion from the routines that you’re used to every day. Yet change is inevitable, and the one thing you can control is how you deal with it! The next time you’re faced with a change in your life, consider these strategies for managing it:

Focus On What You Can Control

The next time you find yourself dealing with a change, think about what parts of the situation are in your control and which parts are not. Then, make a plan for coping with the pieces you can impact and try your best to let go of the things you can’t.

This will take some practice and will come more easily to some, but by focusing on the elements you can control, your mind will be diverted away from the parts you can’t. Over time, the desire to control every facet of the situation should lessen, and the anxiety that is associated with change should decrease.

Recall Past Success

When you’re in the middle of a difficult change, it might feel like you’re never going to get through it. Use that time to recall a time when you did successfully navigate a change and came out the other side.

You’ve most likely dealt with changes large and small throughout your life. Did you move away from home to go to college? Have you ever changed jobs or dealt with the loss of a relative or friend? These are just a few examples of huge changes that we manage to navigate. Draw on these experiences when you’re feeling stressed about a change that’s happening or one you know is looming on the horizon.

Divert Your Mind

Sometimes, the best way to get through a change is by relieving your mind of the burden of dealing with it, even if just for a short time.  Go for a run, have dinner with friend, take a bubble bath — the options are endless. Whatever you choose, make sure it’s something you enjoy that might help you relax!