Pre-paving is a powerful process.

I love teaching and sharing tools that I’ve learned on my spiritual path. One of my favorite teachers is Ester Hicks, who is often referred to simply as Abraham. In her book Ask and It Is Given, she shares many processes to improve one’s life. One of these processes is known as pre-paving, or  segment intending. It’s a powerful process that I put into practice each and every day. 

Pre-paving is all about defining the vibrational characteristics of the time segment you are moving into. Think of it as sculpting your day, step by step. Everyone’s day can be broken into segments: Get up, work, gym, go home, as an example. Your intentions for each of these segments is likely to be very different, and this process will help you project your energy, and fuel your intention.

Recently, one of my segments was taking my car into the car dealership to get serviced.  Before I even left home, I was pre-paving my errand and being very clear on what I wanted: I told myself that on the drive to the Volvo dealership, I’d get to listen to the wonderful new playlist I created, and the traffic will be light and easy. Upon arrival, I’d be greeted by a nice service technician and I will receive great service.  Dealing with the car rental will be easy and stress-free. My experience at the dealership will be a good one; I’m making my intention clear before I even show up. And I’m happy to report I had a great experience and I got exactly what I put out into the universe. 

When you finish pre-paving, you’ll likely notice a shift in your energy, and that’s how you know you’re in a new vibration. Remember when you raise your vibration, you become an energetic match for what you want. I highly recommend you test drive the pre-paving process and experience firsthand the power of a clear intention.