Raising your vibrations with appreciation

If you’ve ever noticed your vibration is low, there’s a simple tool I teach my clients called the appreciation game. This is a way to shift your mood and raise your vibration. I learned this from the Abraham-Hicks book Ask and It Is Given, and it is a great resource to have in your tool belt to help you navigate through life with grace and ease.  

The appreciation game is all about getting out of a negative attitude quickly. We’re probably all familiar with the way negative thoughts can spiral out of control if we let them. The simplest way to raise your vibration is to focus on what you appreciate and redirect your focus onto what’s working. Don’t underestimate the power of saying out loud what you appreciate. Taking your power back and claiming it helps shift your vibration.

Why is appreciation so powerful? Whatever you appreciate, you create more of. What a powerful statement! But it’s true. When you’re in a state of appreciation, you’re in vibrational alignment with your true nature. That’s the perfect energy for allowing your desires to come into form. 

How do you play the appreciation game? When you find yourself stuck in a negative space, recite all the good things that are in your life right now.  All the things you appreciate like:

I appreciate all the family and friends that surround me.

I appreciate the love in my life.

I appreciate the beautiful home I have.

I appreciate the dog that gives me unconditional love.

I appreciate the healthy food that nourishes my body.

Focusing on the positive and feeling the good energy is the fastest way to get out of a negative pattern, a fear-based story, or just a bad attitude.  Once you’ve played the appreciation game and noticed your energy shift, you’re in a new vibration! At this point you can start reaching for new thoughts that make you feel better. The fun part is, when you raise your vibration you become an energetic match for what you want, and you begin to attract your desires.  

The next time you feel your mood dip, or your negative self-talk won’t leave you alone, try the appreciation game and shift your vibrations in a new and loving way.