Stay Motivated to Accomplish Your Goals

Now that we are a few months into 2017, those New Year’s resolutions might be starting to look like distant memories. Life gets in the way and can easily derail us from our goals. The transition from winter into spring is a great time to re-assess how things are going and reignite your motivation!  Keep these strategies in mind to stay on track and achieve success no matter what your goal is.

Try a Different Approach

If your motivation is lacking, it’s likely because some part of your plan to achieve your goal is not working. Take some time to evaluate the situation and determine where that pain point might be.

Once you’ve identified it, brainstorm a different way to achieve the same ultimate outcome. For example, if you’re not hitting your weight loss goal, try a different workout or diet plan. You’ll feel re-energized and get an added boost that comes from the “novelty factor.”

Lend a Hand

A great way to reignite your passion and motivation is to help someone else achieve their goal. This could mean working out with a friend, or maybe volunteering for a local charity.  Either way, you’ll be able to get out of your own head for a little bit and reconnect to what’s important on a larger scale. And, talking to a friend or loved one about your goals might lead to a different perspective on how to achieve them.

Do a Little Research

Finding others who have achieved goals similar to yours serves as a reminder that the desired outcome is possible and within your reach. This benchmarking could come in multiple forms from YouTube videos to articles to social media feeds. Be careful not to compare yourself to your inspiration too closely; this could lead to feelings of inadequacy and an even further reduction in motivation.

Remember that everyone achieves goals at his or her own pace! No one else’s schedule is going to be the same as yours. With a little mindfulness and motivation, you’ll see the finish line in no time.