The Law of Allowing

What would your life be like if you were in complete acceptance of yourself and those around you? Imagine letting in more love, more support, and more appreciation. Imagine yourself letting go in situations where you used to hold on. Imagine things falling into place easily. While it might sound too good to be true, these are some of the experiences you’ll attract when you learn to apply the Law of Allowing.

The Law of Allowing is one of the most important Universal laws for successfully harnessing the power of the Law of Attraction and creating the wonderful life you desire. The Law of Allowing is about letting go of resistance. In this state of being, we accept rather than judge; invite rather than dictate; and allow instead of control.

What do I mean by resistance? Resistance can include judgment, resentment, blame, jealousy, guilt, stress, disappointment, fear, anger, and doubt. When you understand the Law of Allowing and use it consciously and deliberately, you put yourself in a place of non-resistance. Here, the flow of energy will be easy, effortless.

How do you know if you’re allowing? By noticing how you feel. Your emotions are always your guide. Whenever you are in a place of feeling good, you are in a place of allowing. 

The best way to practice the Law of Allowing is simply saying “yes” to things you receive in your life. If someone says something nice to you, say “Thanks.” Doing so tells the person you are receiving their comments. If someone gives you a gift, say “thanks.” You are telling the universe and the person that you are allowing yourself to receive the gift. This concept reminds me of one of my favorite quotes Ester Hicks:

Every time you praise something . . .

Every time you appreciate something . . .

Every time you feel good about something . . .

You are telling the universe . . .


One of my favorite spiritual teachers, Brene Brown, talking in her book Rising Strong, about writing herself permission slips to be free to feel emotions and try new things. The first time she taped Super Soul Sunday with Oprah she wrote herself a permission slip that said: “Permission to be excited, have fun, and be goofy.” She then tucked it into her jean pocket and experienced a wonderful time with Oprah. A perfect example of the Law of Allowing. When you start working with the Law of Allowing, try writing your own permission slips, and give yourself permission to embrace allowing into your life. Once you do, you’ll experience a life of ease and have a lot more in in the process.