The power of affirmations

Early on in my life, one of my favorite spiritual teachers was Louise Hay. She introduced me to the world of affirmations, and it was transformative. One of my favorite affirmations of hers was “All is well.” Whenever things aren’t going right, or seem a little negative, I remind myself that all is well. And upon thinking or saying these three short words, my vibration goes up and I feel a sense of calm from within. That’s the power of an affirmation.

What exactly is an affirmation? It is anything you say or think. Affirmations offer a powerful way to create changes in your life. Most of us are unaware of the multitude of thoughts that circulate through our minds on a daily basis. But take a minute now and reflect on some of the things you thought about today. Were these things positive or negative? Every positive thought brings good into your life, while every negative thought pushes good away.

Thoughts and feelings create your reality. Whether you know it or not, you use affirmations all the time. Think about your self-talk—it’s a stream of affirmations. Are you being loving and supportive with yourself? Or do you find yourself focusing mainly on the negative?

Affirmations are the starting point on the path to change, because you’re saying to your subconscious mind: ”I am taking responsibility, and I’m aware that there is something I can do to change.”

When you create your own affirmation, consciously choose words that help create something new in your life. To do this, use positive words, be specific, and get personal. Make sure the words feel comfortable to you and align with who you are.

It’s important to say your affirmation in the present tense, such as ”I have” or “I am.” Example: I am feeling fit and strong as I sweat and giggle in yoga class. Now, you might not be in yoga class when you say this, but you’re planting the seeds for future health and fitness.

As you say your affirmation, feel it, sense it, and picture it manifesting in your life. Place yourself in the yoga studio on the beautiful hardwood floor, breathing and feeling peaceful. Visualization increases the power of your affirmation, so have fun with it. All you need to do is ask, affirm, and be open to receive. Let go of the specific form or way or timing of what you asked for and know that your true self will bring you exactly what you need, at the perfect time and in the perfect way.

I suggest you write down your affirmations and read them twice a day. Some of my clients enjoy reading their affirmations in the mirror, while there are others who have a private place just for them. Say them first thing in the morning and then again right before bed. These are the new seeds you’re planting for your future, and, like any seed, you need to nurture and cultivate it in order for it to flourish.

Find whatever’s comfortable and feels right to you. I have mine recorded on an app so I can listen to them as part of my morning ritual, and then at night I fall asleep listening to them. Look at your schedule and create a ritual that suits you.

Today, at this very moment, you can choose to change your thinking. And it all starts with an affirmation.