The Power of Your Words

The next time you are tempted to vent or complain about something, pause for a moment. Remember that the words we say out loud carry energy and power, not just for other people, but for ourselves, too. Words are symbols that represent an energetic vibration, and when we use low-level words, we have low-level experiences. Likewise, when we use high-level words, we have high-level experiences. Being mindful of the words you use is very powerful. 

Here’s an example of this from my own life. When my husband and I decided we wanted to get a dog, the story I was saying out loud was: I’ve never had a dog. Where do we start looking? Finding the right dog is going to be a big challenge. 

All those things are low-level words and brought me low-level vibrations. I began to hear people tell me sad stories of rescuing their dog, and then how the dog destroyed their home. Where were the positive, happy stories? I was attracting low-level experiences, because those are the words I was using. The  power of those words were keeping me in a negative story and creating more fear around finding the right dog. 

So, I decided to use elevating words to raise my vibrations around finding our dog. I used words like: We are finding creative solutions for finding a wonderful, loving dog for our family. I wrote a list all the things I wanted our dog to possess, and said to the universe, We are manifesting a dog that is right for us. 

By changing the story and the words you use, you can elevate the energy in whatever experience you are creating. What story are you telling yourself around finding a new home, a new job, or a soul mate?

After I changed my story, I started to attract new, creative ways of finding a dog. As I began to follow these creative leads, we found ourselves meeting dog trainers and breeders who are truly passionate about what they do. By changing our words, our vibrations also changed. The adventure in finding the dog became fun and playful. In the end, it made all the difference in the world, because we found Benji, who brings so much love into our lives.

So, I ask you to consider what story are you telling yourself? And what sorts of words are you using to tell that story?