Turning Your Ideas Into Action

A lot of people come up with great ideas every day, but far fewer are able put them into action. Why? Because acting on your ideas is hard work. It requires time, effort, and dedication — things most of us are in short supply of thanks to our day jobs, family, and other obligations.


But with a little forward thinking and some help along the way, there’s no reason you can’t join the list of people who turn their ideas into action!

Get Organized

Any time you add a new task to your plate, you need to rearrange what’s already there to make room for it. If you don’t do this, your idea moves to the back burner and stays there without ever coming to fruition.


Make a list and create a step-by-step plan for achieving the items on it. Write it down or put in an app like Evernote or Wunderlist. Either way, the best way to get to the big picture is by slowly filling in each small piece.

Ask For Help

One thing that any successful entrepreneur or innovator will tell you is that they did not achieve their success alone. You might be the originator of your idea, but your friends, family, and colleagues can provide crucial input to help make it even better.  Most people are not shy about giving their opinions or providing feedback. All you have to do is ask!

Separate Good From Bad

Remember that not every idea you have is going to be a great one. If you have an idea that fails, you might be less likely to try again with something else.  Set yourself up for success by critically examining each idea along the path to implementation to make sure that it still makes sense to move forward.


How do you know whether an idea is on the right track? Trust your gut. If you have a nagging feeling that something is off, then it probably is. This is another area where asking for help and an outside opinion can prove valuable!