Kristie’s Blog
Everyone needs a partner in life — someone they can confide in and navigate this crazy thing we call life. Having someone to love and care for can improve our mental and physical well–being. With so many connections now made online through dating services and apps, how do you know what to look for? Some elements of a person’s personality…
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The holidays season is just around the corner, and you might already be starting to feel the stress that comes with it. There are meals to prepare, gifts to buy, and traveling to be done. Before you let those feelings of anxiety get the best of you, consider these tips for managing holiday stress. Plan Your Time One of the…
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Whether it’s Google Maps on your phone, or a good old-fashioned atlas, it’s difficult to get anywhere you want to go without a map. The same principle holds true for accomplishing majors goals in life. We all have things that we want to do, but far fewer people have a plan for actually making them happen. Here’s how to create…
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Life can be pretty dull sometimes — a seemingly endless loop of to-do lists and obligations. You might not even be able to remember the last time you really let loose and had fun! Bringing back that sense of joy to your life is not as difficult as it might seem. Best of all, it doesn’t require a lot…
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Whether it’s a friend, family member, or romantic partner, any relationship is subject to turbulence. However, there are often warning signs leading up to difficult moments. If you know how to spot these relationship red flags, you’ll be able to address them before the situation escalates. You’ll also gain a better understanding of where you fit in the relationship…
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Have you been fortunate enough to ever have a mentor who changed the course of your life in some way? You might at first be inclined to say no, but I encourage you to think back to your teachers, counselors, bosses; anyone you look up to. Mentors come in so many forms. When I look back on my own life,…
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A reaffirming mantra might be the furthest thing from your mind when you are in the middle of a crisis or major life change. However, taking a few minutes for mindful reflection can go a long way toward helping you through a difficult time. Coming up with those mantras can be tough, especially if your mind is buzzing with…
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A first date can be a nerve wracking situation — you’re trying to make a good first impression on the person who may become your future partner. However, it’s also a great opportunity to meet someone new and learn about him or her! How often do you truly interact with someone new in your daily life? Probably not very…
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Are you procrastinating right now? If reading this blog is a way to avoid doing something you don’t want to do, then the answer is yes! While I would love for you to continue reading these posts, I also want you to tackle the tough things in your life instead of putting them off. This is classic “fight or…
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We live in a world where criticizing someone is as simple as typing a social media comment or sending a text message. However, despite those factors, each of us is still our own biggest critic when it comes to our actions and interactions with others. When was the last time you heard that little voice in the back of…
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