Kristie’s Blog

Self-care during busy times

When life gets crazy, it’s easy to put everyone else’s needs above yours. Your job, your family, and other commitments all take priority to keep the plates of life spinning. The result can be physical and mental fatigue that can take a long time to fully recover from. People can burn out, need to leave jobs, and end up with…

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Jump start your day with these morning routines

Whether you love or dread the sound of your alarm clock each morning, everyone can stand to pick up a little more energy at the start of the day. These simple but effective morning rituals can carry positive effects straight through to bedtime! Wake up at a consistent time Many of us wake up at the same time Monday through…

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3 tips to break bad habits for good

The start of a new year is a great time to commit to making lasting, positive changes. It may not be easy at first to break bad habits, but will pay off in the long run. Here are some tips to help break some bad habits for good! Over focus on your habit For many years, the guiding principal to…

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Increase your productivity throughout your day

Instead of just working harder, being productive means working smarter. Increasing personal productivity is something everyone can do, no matter how much you already have on your plate! Here are a few easy and attainable tips for making it happen: Start your day with a plan As you reach for that first cup of coffee or step into the shower…

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Give your relationships a detox

We spend time and energy trying to rid our lives of toxins, whether in the food we eat, the products we use, or the homes we live in.  For some of us, however, the most toxic part of our lives is not any of these things — it’s our relationships. Things don’t have to stay that way though! If you…

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Achieve your goals with an action plan

It’s one thing to set a goal, but it’s another to actually achieve it. Many of us get too busy or too distracted and watch helplessly as even the most well-intentioned goals fall by the wayside. It doesn’t have to be that way! Use these tips to create an action plan for achieving goals large and small. Set SMART goals…

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5 ways to develop healthy habits

Why is it that bad habits always seem so much easier to keep? If only it were as easy to run a mile as it was to eat an extra cookie or splurge on an expensive purchase! As the you head into the new year, put yourself on the path toward healthy habits with these ideas. Understand what’s important The…

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Start your day with positive affirmations

If you start each day with a feeling of dread, it may be time to consider an attitude change. Positive affirmations are not just for yogis or other spiritual types — they can be used by anyone to reverse negative thoughts or reinforce positive ones. Whether you realize it or not, you’re constantly using affirmations to validate behaviors you’ve learned…

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Tips on how to cope with anxiety and worry

Psychologists have come up with a few time-tested ways to better cope with worry and anxiety. Understand how other people influence your mood Remain focused on the present, instead of dwelling on the past Allow the future to unfold naturally Avoid worrying about unsolvable problems Here are some other methods to include in your daily routine that may be helpful:…

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How meditation benefits the mind and body

Whether you practice mindful or focused attention meditation, your mind and body can benefit from some of it! Here are some benefits of adding meditation to your daily routine: Enhanced Focus Meditation involves focusing attention to heighten awareness. After a meditation session, expect your focus to hone in on what matters. Whether you mediate before working on a complex work…

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