3 Easy Ways to Add More Fun to Your Life

Life can be pretty dull sometimes — a seemingly endless loop of to-do lists and obligations. You might not even be able to remember the last time you really let loose and had fun!


Bringing back that sense of joy to your life is not as difficult as it might seem. Best of all, it doesn’t require a lot of money or time, just a willingness to try. Here are some ideas for bringing more fun into your life!

Try Something New

There’s an inherent sense of fun that comes with starting something new. No matter what activity you choose, you’ll experience the thrill that comes with doing something for the first time. Maybe you’ve always wanted to learn how to play an instrument or take dancing lessons or get into shape. No matter how busy you think you are, I can guarantee you have time to at least start down the path to learning something new.


New activities are also a great way to meet new people, which leads into the next way to add more fun to your life.

Connect With Others

Thanks to social media, we live in a world where we are constantly comparing our lives to everyone else’s. It seems like their lives are always more fun, right? Put down your phone and focus on making real-life connections with the people around you. Having a conversation with someone is much more fun than mindlessly scrolling through your social feeds.


These connections can be with people you already know or with complete strangers you encounter throughout your day. Reconnect with an old friend from high school or college or strike up a conversation with someone at a coffee shop — you might be surprised at what you learn and how much fun you have in the process.

Change Your Surroundings

Along the lines of doing something new, a change of scenery is often just what we need to get out of a rut. This does not have to mean spending money on a vacation, since there are many ways to creatively change our surroundings. Ask a friend if you can swap houses or apartments with them for a week. It’s fun to see how someone else lives and you might gain a new appreciation for your own life. Another great option is to take a new route to work or school and discover something new along the way. You can also search through sites like Airbnb to rent a room or an entire house in your city, or city nearby, just for a few days to explore a new neighborhood and community!