Find Inspiration When You’ve Lost Motivation

Everyone loses motivation now and then, it’s a natural part of life. It can happen when you feel stuck in your person or professional life, or when you’re feeling bored.

They key is to notice it when when it happens and find that inspiration again as quickly as possible. Here are some simple ways to get back on track when you’ve lost your motivation!

Set Goals

One reason we lose motivation is because we lose sight of what we’re trying to accomplish in the first place. Without goals, our lives become a rat race of tasks and to-do lists without a broader purpose.

The next time you feel stuck, take some time to think about what goals you’re working towards and how you’re going to get there. These can be personal or professional goals in the short or long term — it doesn’t matter as long as you have something to work towards.  Even a short amount of reflection can be what you need to get back on track to crushing those goals.

Connect with Others

Setting goals is a great way to reaffirm your internal motivation, but external motivation is just as important to staying focused. No matter how busy you are, make time to connect with friends, family, and colleagues who can help you regain your inspiration and hold you accountable to meet your goals.

Sometimes all it takes is a conversation with someone else to spark an idea that will get you out of a rut and back in the game. Maintaining those relationships when you’re discouraged is also important to ensure that you don’t slide into something more serious like depression.

The best motivational relationships go both ways. Hopefully you can be in a position to help someone else out when they are in need of motivation in just the same way they help you when you need it!