Incorporate More Positive Self-Talk Into Your Day

We all have an inner monologue that runs in our head all day long. What does your say? Chances are, it’s a lot more negative than positive. We’re all quick to criticize ourselves, but not as quick to take a moment and recognize our accomplishments.

With a little mindfulness and a little practice, you can turn those negative aspects of your inner monologue into positive ones and incorporate more positive self-talk into your life.

Out Of Your Mind, Onto Paper

One of the best ways to overcome negative thoughts is to write them down as they arise. Once you see them in black and white, you can begin to analyze where they are coming from and work on overcoming them.

This does not have to be an onerous task; it can be as easy as jotting down notes into your phone as thoughts come up. If you don’t make a note of them, they’ll slip away before you know it so the effort you put in will be well worth it in the end.

As you collect these thoughts over time, you may begin to see patterns emerge that you can work on counteracting. And, every time you write down something negative, you can mentally change it to something positive — the first step in making long-term change.

Notice the Positive

There are probably more positive moments than you realize throughout the course of your day, but those moments get lost in the stress and anxiety of our modern, stressed out lives. Make a point to notice the good things when they happen and use an affirming mantra to mark them in your mind.

Statements like “I am strong,” “I am confident,” and “I feel energetic and alive” can go a long way toward increasing the overall tone of your inner monologue and making your personality more positive as a result.