Inspire Yourself with These Strategies

Many of us are great at inspiring others, but finding that same inspiration for ourselves is much more challenging.  We are our own biggest critics, and whether we realize it or not, tend to put off doing things that will cause us to feel like failures or cause feelings of self-doubt.

The next time you find yourself feeling that way, turn to these tips for adding a little motivation to your day.

Just Do It

If you find yourself lacking motivation to accomplish a task, think about the famous Nike slogan and just start doing something. It might not be your ultimate goal, but completing tasks gives you easy wins that build your confidence to tackle larger things.

This philosophy applies to everything from working out to remodeling your house. Start with low-hanging fruit on your to-do list, and move on from there. You might be surprised at how quickly things progress once you get rolling.

Recruit Some Help

Contrary to what you might think, self-motivation does not need to happen entirely on your own. You can help others get motivated, and they can help you do the same.

This can take the form of one-on-one interactions, small groups, or larger scale activity on social media. Either way, you’ll reap the benefits that come from a support system. Seeing friends, family members, or coworkers make progress toward their goals might be just the inspiration you need to take things to the next level on your own.

Track Your Progress

We crave data on just about everything these days, and it’s never been easier to access all of it! Thanks to the devices most of us carry in our pockets or wear on our wrists each day, we can keep track of progress toward goals as a way to maintain motivation. Count calories burned in a fitness app, use a productivity app to measure progress at work, or use a journal to make notes on large-scale goals. Your future self will be glad that you did!