3 Tips for a Long-Lasting Relationship

Whether you’ve been with your significant other for a long time or are just starting out in a relationship, it’s important to set up a firm foundation to make your relationship last. Even if things don’t ultimately work out, you will come away with a playbook that you can take into your next relationship.

None of these things are complicated, but they do require a little bit of effort and an understanding that a relationship truly is a two-way street.

Be Honest and Open

Any strong relationship, romantic or otherwise, is built upon a mutual trust and understanding. Being truly honest and open with someone else is one of the things that separates a committed relationship from a casual acquaintance.

So, the next time you have the urge to tell a white lie or disguise the truth, don’t. As you do that more, it will begin to feel natural and those deeper bonds will develop. It will take time to get there, but once you do, you will have established a deep bond that will take you through the rest of the relationship.


Another harsh reality of relationships is that you are not always going to get what you want. You need to be prepared to compromise with your partner and decide which issues are worth standing your ground.

There is a delicate balance between putting the other person’s needs first and standing up for what you want out of the relationship. Being open and honest with each other, and being willing to compromise, will make it easier to find and sustain that balance.

Have Fun

Many couples spend time wishing they could go back to those early days of a relationship when everything was new and exciting. The reality is that, while you can’t go back in time, there is a lot you can do to introduce fun into your relationship at any stage!

Plan date nights or short getaways, sign up to do a new activity together, or make some quiet time to have a deeper conversation. Any of these activities can help bring that spark back into your long-term relationship.