3 Ways to Add Spark Back Into Your Relationship

No matter how long you and your partner have been together, there’s always an opportunity to put a little more passion in your relationship.

Here are three easy ways you can reconnect with your partner and to help your relationship maintain a solid foundation for years to come!

Pay Attention

We’re all busy and may tend to get lost in our own worlds of obligations and to-do lists. This is amplified by the fact that we’ve learned to make ourselves available 24/7, thanks to smartphones and social media.

Given this environment, it’s easy to overlook your partner’s needs in real life. You might be ignoring your partner without even realizing it!

Turn things around by going out of your way to make time for conversation and shared activities. Take one night per week where you turn off your phones and focus on talking and listening to your partner over a meal or something else you enjoy doing together.

Expect the Unexpected

Everyone loves surprises, and they are the perfect way to show your partner that you are thinking about them and are committed to a successful relationship.

The gestures do not need to be big to make a large impact. Bring home your partner’s favorite treat the next time you’re at the grocery store, buy tickets to an event they’d like, or take care of their household chores one week.

The possibilities are limited only by your imagination! If you follow point #1 and listen carefully to your partner, you can take ideas for surprises from those conversations.

Be Flirty

Much like everyone wants to be surprised, we also want to feel like we are desired by our partners. We show this desire a lot at the beginning of a relationship, but it tends to wane over time.

Although social media can lead to distractions in a relationship, it’s also made it easier than ever to flirt with your partner. Don’t be shy about sending suggestive text messages or leaving a flirty voicemail in the middle of the day.

You’ll be surprised at how quickly the connection comes back if you’ve lost it, and how it might help fuel passion in other parts of your relationship.