Strategies for Solving Common Relationship Problems

Even the strongest relationships are bound to have problems every now and again. No one is perfect all of the time and the same is true of a relationship between two people.

Many common relationship problems are completely solvable and can even be avoided entirely if you know what warning signs to look for. Here are some of those problems to look for and strategies for working through them.


Many relationship issues stem from poor communication. In the absence of information and clear communication, we are left to come to our own conclusions. This leads to jealousy, mistrust, and other negative feelings.

The best way to ensure clear communication is to dedicate time for talking about problems and issues without distractions. Turn off cell phones and the TV, make sure the kids are otherwise occupied, and take the time you need for you and your partner to clearly express your feelings.

Try not to pass judgment during these conversations and allow the other person to fully express their thoughts and feelings before you jump in. We often feel afraid or ashamed to speak our minds if we think others will judge our opinions. Things won’t have the chance to get better if you have this attitude with your partner.


Money is one of the biggest sources of relationship drama, especially when coupled with poor communication. Couples need to be on the same page about income, spending, and saving to set solid short-term and long-term financial goals.

The basis for those goals is being honest about things like income and debt. The truth is going to come out one way or the other the longer you are with someone. Once the truth is out in the open, you can create a plan for reducing debt and/or saving for the future.

Paying off debt and building a nest egg happen much more quickly when two people are doing it together rather than individually. Once you are on track with finances and that stress is removed, you might be surprised to see that other areas of your relationship begin to fall into place.