Watch Out For These Relationship Red Flags

Whether it’s a friend, family member, or romantic partner, any relationship is subject to turbulence. However, there are often warning signs leading up to difficult moments.


If you know how to spot these relationship red flags, you’ll be able to address them before the situation escalates. You’ll also gain a better understanding of where you fit in the relationship and be equipped to have an honest conversation about where things are heading.

Communication (or lack thereof)

Communication is key in any serious relationship. It can take many different forms (texts, phone calls, emails, etc.) but it should always be a two-way street.


Are you always the first one to initiate communication in the relationship? If so, it might be time to talk with the other person about that. He or she might not be interested in continuing the relationship but too afraid to speak up, or they may have become accustomed to you always being in the driver’s seat.

Controlling Behavior

Much like communication, control in a relationship should be shared between parties. No one should drive the bus all the time.


Someone who continually exhibits controlling behavior is a huge red flag. This can sometimes masquerade as affection or concern, but in reality something else is lurking beneath the surface. Warning signs include jealousy and forcing you to choose between this relationship and others in your life.


It’s sometimes tough to realize when you are being controlled, so seek input from others if you are unsure of whether a behavior is problematic.

Trust your Gut

You should never ignore your instincts when it comes to relationships, no matter how much advice you receive from others. Many people can speak in generalities, but at the end of the day you know your relationship the best.


If something feels off to you, chances are it probably is. Don’t second guess yourself, take action. You’ll be glad that you did.