How to slow down in a busy world

girl walking dog in forest

We just got back from a wonderful family vacation at Olympic National Park in Washington, where we hiked and enjoyed forest bathing, surrounded by beautiful trees and wildlife. Vacation is all about being able to relax and not worry about all the everyday things there are to do back at home. While on vacation I found myself wondering, how can I take this feeling of slowing down and incorporate it into my busy everyday life? 

Our everyday life includes juggling work, chores, and responsibilities. How do we begin to start to slow down the busy pace? The good news is that stillness is within all of us. We all have the power to find stillness, wherever we are and whatever we are doing, and in any moment, we wish to do so. It’s a deliberate and very empowering choice. 

Here are five tips for creating stillness and slowing down your everyday life.

1. Spend time with the people you love.

A great way to slow down is by spending time with the people you love and being present during your time with them. This really rings true when we spend time with our two-year-old granddaughter. Our intention when we’re with her is to be present in the moment—she’s growing up so fast and I want to enjoy every precious moment we have with her. When you spend time with people you love, it helps remind you of what matters most in life. 

2. Set your priorities.

Having clear priorities is an important part of simplifying your calendar and learning to set boundaries. When you are clear about what is most important to you, it makes it easier to assess what is adding value to your life and what isn’t. Knowing exactly what your priorities are gives you a clear vision of how you’ll use your time. Knowing your priorities will help keep your focus instead of getting swept away in the busyness of life.

3. Just say No. 

Saying no is the fastest, most effective way to put on the brakes when the world is spinning too fast. Yet it can also be incredibly difficult and uncomfortable to do. Learning to say no is an important way to set boundaries to protect your time and well-being. 

It can help to think of it this way: Every time you say yes to something, it means you have less time, energy, and attention for other things in your life. Make sure your “yeses” align with your priorities and what you value. And learn to say no if something doesn’t.

4. Wake up earlier.

I can’t believe this works, but it does. Getting up fifteen to twenty minutes earlier and starting your morning routine, like working out or journaling, does give you a head start to your day. When you wake up earlier, not only do you avoid rushing, but you can also include things to your morning routine you enjoy, such as exercise, journaling, meditating or simply reading the morning paper. If you start your day earlier with intention, your morning is much more enjoyable. And a wonderful bonus is that the more enjoyable feeling of a slower pace continues throughout your day. 

5. Do one thing at a time.

Multi-tasking isn’t for everyone. While we might think we’re getting more accomplished, usually, multi-tasking leaves us feeling rushed, frazzled, stressed and sometimes not doing any of the tasks particularly well. Instead, try doing one task at a time. I’ve applied this to my life this year and it’s made a big difference. Not only does it help in slowing me down, I’m doing a better job on each individual task and I’m also finding it to be more satisfying. These are some simple ways you can work on slowing down and creating a calmer pace. So, if you’re feeling rushed, overwhelmed, or too busy, try one of these tips to help you slow down in this busy world we live in.