Moving On After a Tough Breakup

The end of a relationship is never easy, especially when it happens around the holiday season. While it might be tempting to drown your sorrows alone during the winter months, it’s important to get on with your life and not let a tough breakup drag you down.

That sounds easier said than done, but it is definitely doable if you start small and move slowly toward regaining your independence.

Cut the Cord

In order to truly move on from your ex, you need to stop all forms of communication. This includes phone calls, texts, email, Facebook messages, or whatever other means of interaction you used.

It can be tempting to reach out to your ex when you’re feeling vulnerable or alone, but remember why the relationship ended in the first place. You don’t have anything to gain by re-establishing those connection except more grief and heartbreak!

Face Your Negative Feelings

In order to truly move past a rough patch, you need to go through the entire grieving process rather than trying to jump right to the end and move on. Allow yourself the time you need to deal with your emotions in a supportive environment — learn to confide in close friends or family instead of retreating inward.

Beyond confiding in others, try meditation as a way to wrangle your thoughts and emotions. You can focus on what’s causing you pain, and then use mindfulness to release it over time.

Focus on Helping Others

At the end of a relationship, you might find yourself with a lot of extra time on your hands. Time is one of the most precious resources any of us has, so don’t waste it on destructive and self-loathing behavior.

Instead, channel those extra days and hours into positive behavior like volunteering for a good cause. You will get to meet new people and feel better about yourself in the process. It could be just the confidence booster you need to fully move on after a tough breakup.