Self-care during busy times

When life gets crazy, it’s easy to put everyone else’s needs above yours. Your job, your family, and other commitments all take priority to keep the plates of life spinning. The result can be physical and mental fatigue that can take a long time to fully recover from. People can burn out, need to leave jobs, and end up with serious health issues as a result of stress and anxiety.

Don’t find yourself in that position! There are many ways to take care of yourself no matter how crazy life gets. Here are some self-care tips to implement, especially as life gets busy.

Make time for play

Even the busiest people need to take time to quiet their mind and relax a little throughout the day. Children play all day long and can be a great inspiration for this.  Sing a silly song, play a game, draw a picture, run around, or do whatever else is going to put your mind at ease. You’ll be surprised how much less stressful the rest of your day feels once you take that mental reset.


Getting away from the screens we stare at all day long is another important aspect of mental reset. Your e-mail, calendar, texts, and social media platforms will all be there when you come back. Stepping away from those distractions will allow you to clear your mind and dive back into the day refreshed and ready to go.

Connect with others

When things get stressful, we tend to turn inward and skimp on everyday social interactions that make the world go around. Take a minute to have a conversation with your barista, the mailman, the crossing guard at school, or anyone else you see throughout the day. Connect with others reminds us why we are in this rat race called life in the first place.

Ask for help

Many of us become overwhelmed when we try to take on too much. We can have a hard time saying no when new projects or tasks come up because we don’t want to let others down, and as a result our own physical and mental health can suffer. Stop this behavior by asking for support when things get to be too much. Help others see and respect that you understand your own limitations and boundaries and do not want to let the quality of your efforts suffer as a result!