Simple Creativity Projects to Open Your Mind

Many aspects of our work and our daily lives focus on using our left brain, or the analytical side of our minds. Much like physical exercise for your body, if you do not use the other side of your brain, it may weaken over time.

Adding a little creativity to your day does not have to be complicated. These simple activities can help you get your creative juices flowing!

Make a Bucket List

If you spend all day analyzing data or making plans, it’s easy to get sucked into the day-to-day grind. A quick way to change your perspective is to leave all of that behind and take some time to think about the bigger picture.

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? Are there skills you’ve always wanted to learn but haven’t? Those are perfect items to put on your bucket list. Even taking a few minutes a day to put these thoughts on paper will go a long way to helping you see the big picture and utilize your creative skills.

Start Writing

Unless you work in design or a related field, staring at a computer screen for hours on end is a surefire way to kill your creativity. Break away from the screen and focus on writing to exercise your creative muscles.

It doesn’t matter what you write. It can be poetry, a short story, or even a long-form piece. Either way, you will be coming up with your own ideas and your own story to tell. You could just whip out your journal and write about your thoughts, fears, and hopes–and see where that takes you.

Doodle, Color, Draw

If writing isn’t your thing, try drawing or coloring instead. Coloring books for adults were a big trend a few years ago, but they are still widely available today. These are a great place to start if you’re not quite ready for freeform drawing.

Outside of that, all you need is a pen or pencil and paper to start doodling. Much like writing, you never know where it will lead you. If you’re not used to this, it may be difficult to come up with things to draw at first, but it will most likely get easier over time!